How To Win At Craps Strategy

STRATEGY TIP #7. DON’T BELIEVE YOU ARE DUE TO WIN. Don’t increase your bets because you feel you are due to win at the game of blackjack. The cards don’t know and they don’t care whether you are in the midst of a losing (or winning) streak. How to Bet in Craps If you want to be sure to get the best chances to win at craps, you need to pick the Pass / Don’t Pass or the Come / Don’t Come bets. Picking any of the four bets indicated above reduces the house advantage to 1.40%.

Introduction to Craps Strategy

Unlike many casino games, there is no Craps strategy that every player agrees on. If you read 3 or 4 different strategy guides, you are likely to get 3 or 4 different theories.

Start small until you learn the game as this is by far one of the more complicated games to learn and master due to the high number of bets available to you.

Best Craps Strategy & Bets

How To Win At Craps Strategy

The following craps strategy will give you the best odds of winning. Craps has one of the lowest house edges against you of any casino game, but only if you make the right bets and play with the right craps strategy. In fact, with one type of bet (which you will soon learn), you play even with the house, meaning that the house has a zero edge. This is the only casino game where this is the case and our craps strategy will show you how.

However don’t get tempted by all those fancy bets in the middle of the table, they have high payoffs but they have one of the worst odds of all casino games. Stick with our craps strategy, play only the bets with good odds, avoid the sucker bets and you’ll have the best chance of winning.

The best craps strategy is to take the Odds Bet. Once the shooter establishes a point, if you have placed a Pass Line/Don’t Pass Line, you can plan an extra free odds bet. This is generally regarded as the best bet to make in Craps as there is no house edge. See image below on where this bet is placed.

Some Casinos actually allow you to place this bet up to twice as much as your original pass line bet, keep an eye out for these and place a higher bet if possible for the free odds bet or a lower pass line bet if you don’t want to bet more.

Pass Line

The Pass Line isn’t a great bet as it is an Even Money bet. In other words, whatever you bet, you’ll get in return. So, if you bet $2 on the Pass Line, you’ll only win $2. With the object of betting being to win more on your original bet, it is clear why some players aren’t too keen on it, but many others place a bet here as it allows them to place a Take the Odds bet which has a 0% House Edge.

A lot of players approach their strategy knowing which bets to avoid at all costs as opposed to those which give them the best odds. You will find that most experienced players will avoid nearly all bets except for the Come and Pass Line bets and also a few Place Bets, leaving the Proposition, Field, Big 6 & Big 8 bets alone.

Strategy Example

Here’s an example of the three types of outcomes that result when a new shooter plays and how you should bet.

Assume new shooter is getting ready to make the come out roll and you make a $10 bet (or whatever amount you want) on the pass line. The shooter rolls a 7 or 11 on the come out. You win $10, the amount of your bet.

You bet $10 again on the pass line and the shooter makes a come out roll again. This time a 3 is rolled (the player “craps out”). You lose your $10 pass line bet.

You bet another $10 and the shooter makes his third come out roll (remember, each shooter continues to roll until he sevens out after making a point). This time a 4 is rolled – one of the place numbers or “points”. You now want to take an odds bet, so you place $10 directly behind your pass line bet to indicate you are taking the odds. The shooter continues to roll the dice until a 4 is rolled (the point is made), at which time you win $10 on your pass line bet, and $20 on your odds bet (remember, a 4 is paid at 2 to 1 odds), for a total win of $30. Take your chips off the table and get ready to bet again.

However, if a 7 is rolled before the point number (in this case, before the 4), you lose both your $10 pass line bet and your $10 odds bet.

And that’s all there is to it! You simply make you pass line bet, take odds if a point is rolled on the come out, and then wait for either the point or a 7 to be rolled. Ignore all the other confusion and sucker bets. You have the best bet in the casino and are playing wisely. You can combine these craps tips with a money management system such as the Small Wins System or the The Stan’s System.

Odds bets can be made any time after a come out point is rolled. You don’t have to make them right away. However, you’d be foolish not to make an odds bet as soon as possible considering it’s the best bet on the table. However, you are permitted to make, withdraw, or reinstate an odds bet anytime after the come out and before a 7 is rolled.

When you win an odds bet, be sure to take your chips off the table. Otherwise, they are considered to be automatically “off” on the next to come out and will not count as other odds bet unless you specifically tell the dealer that you want them to be “working”. But in a fast-moving and loud game, your request may not be heard, so it’s better to simply take your winnings off the table and bet again with the next comes out.

Bets to Avoid

Field Bet

The chances of winning on a Field Bet are less than 50/50. In fact, there are 16 ways to win on a Field Bet but 20 ways to lose. The payout looks great on some numbers, with double being paid on the Numbers 2 and 12 for example, but the odds of winning are worse than 50/50. Betting on the Field is one of the worst Craps bets you can make.

Pass Line Bet

The Pass Line is another bad bet as it’s an Even Money bet. In other words, whatever you bet, you’ll get in return. So, if you bet $2 on the Pass Line, you’ll only win $2. With the object of betting being to win more on your original bet, it is clear why this falls into the category of worst Craps bets.

Come/Don’t Come Bet


The Come Bet and the Don’t Come Bet are definitely ones to avoid. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, they are Even Money bets, secondly, you have to roll the same number twice to win money once and finally you lose your money when the 7 comes out during the Come Out roll. In all these cases, you can never take advantage of a long roll, because you lose your money in the middle of a long roll and then have to start from scratch. It’s clear that this is not a very advantageous bet, with such odds against you.

Hardway & Proposition Bets

Hardways and Proposition bets should be avoided at all costs. These one roll bets are a recipe for disaster because you only have one roll or one chance of hitting these numbers, which puts the odds in the casinos favor and not yours. Hardways generally pay 7:1 and 9:1 and the Props pay between 4:1 and 15:1. However, your chances of winning these bets are very slim.

Big 6 & Big 8

The Big 6 and Big 8 bets don’t offer any value to you, especially when you’re in the middle of a long roll. You have to wait for either a 6 or an 8 to be rolled in order to win. Also, they are Even Money bets. There are 5 ways to roll either the 6 or the 8, but still, six ways to roll a 7, so logic tells you that you’re better off not placing wagers on the Big 6 and Big 8 bets.

Low Limit Tables

Another really bad Craps mistake you can make is to play at a table with a low maximum because then you can’t take advantage of a winning streak. Try whenever possible to find those Craps tables that have high maximum bets. This gives you the flexibility to raise your bet amounts so that you’re not stuck making only small bets.

The best advice we can give you is to always make educated bets. Learn the bets and their Odds before you begin playing, because, at the end of the day, Craps is all about the numbers.

Craps Odds & House Edge

Understanding the odds of each bet available is paramount to succeeding in this game. See our Craps odds chart below.

BetPaysExpected RollsHouse Edge per Bet MadeHouse Edge per Bet ResolvedHouse Edge Per Roll
Pass1 to 13.381.41%0.41%0.42%
Don’t Pass1 to 13.471.36%1.40%0.40%
Taking Odds 6 or 86 to 53.270.00%0.00%0.00%
Taking Odds 5 or 93 to 23.600.00%0.00%0.00%
Taking Odds 4 or 102 to 14.000.00%0.00%0.00%
Laying Odds 6 or 86 to 53.270.00%0.00%0.00%
Laying Odds 5 or 93 to 23.600.00%0.00%0.00%
Laying Odds 4 or 101 to 24.000.00%0.00%0.00%
Place 6 or 87 to 63.270.46%1.52%0.46%
Place 5 or 97 to 53.601.11%4.00%1.11%
Place 4 or 109 to 54.001.67%6.67%1.67%
Don’t Place 6 or 84 to 53.270.56%1.82%0.56%
Don’t Place 5 or 95 to 83.600.69%2.50%0.69%
Don’t Place 4 or 105 to 114.000.76%3.03%0.76%

Conclusion & Tips to Follow

If you look at a craps table you’ll see that casinos reserve clear spots for almost all bets, except the odds bet, which of course has the best odds in the game. Don’t get tempted, play wisely and leave the table while you’re winning. Money management systems like the Star alternative progression, the Stepladder System and the Stretched d’ Alembert system can also assist you in increasing your chances of beating the house for your session of play.

  1. Know the rules before you start playing. If the table is busy don’t try to rely on the dealer for help.
  2. Don’t be too confused by all the fancy language at the craps tables, you’ll learn the terminology while playing.
  3. Don’t lose your mind and with it your money. It’s easy to get excited at the craps tables, but stick to your strategy and avoid the sucker bets.
  4. Make sure you give the dice a good toss. When making a bad toss you’ll have to throw the dice again and this way you slow down the game.
  5. Keep your hand off the table so they don’t get away of a toss.
  6. Don’t put your drinks on the tables
  7. Don’t listen to the advice of other players
  8. You should play the pass/don’t pass and come/don’t come bets as much as possible for the best odds.
  9. Make sure that when you make a line or a come bet, you can back it up with full odds.
  10. Avoid the proposition bets (the ones in the middle of the table), it will save you a lot of money.
  11. You should tip the dealer.

Back to Part I: How to Play Craps

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Want to know how to improve your craps game? Craps is all about the betting, not the dice roll. Knowing when and how to bet will make you invincible when you play craps—whether you play craps online or in casinos. These 5 simple tips on how to win at craps will improve your odds of winning while playing craps.

There are 11 numbers possible with a pair of dice; some easier to roll than others.

Those unfamiliar with the game of craps are usually put off by the large betting fields and seemingly endless rules and betting combinations. But the secret to winning at craps is to have some sort of understanding of the house edge, so you know when, where, and why to bet on each roll of the dice. All casino games are based on probability, so a little understanding of the math behind the game goes a long way. Some bets are better than others—and often at different times during the game.

Follow the basic strategy outlined below; it’s easy to remember and to implement. Get ready to boost your bankroll and your craps skills with these 5 easy-to-master tips.

1. Don’t Pass and Don’t Come With Odds

The rule of thumb is as follows: Put the smallest amount on the Don’t Pass or the Don’t Come lines and wager the largest amount behind them. The house edge is on the Don’t Pass/Don’t Come bets, which only pay out 1:1 if you win. But the player has the advantage on the Free Odds bets (those behind the don’t pass/don’t come line), which pay out at the actual mathematical odds. This means if you play it right, the house has no advantage at all.

Free Odds bets are the only bets in the casino where the house has no advantage. It’s important to bet in the right increments, because most casinos won’t pay out in fractional dollars. For example: Free Odds payouts on 6 and 8 are at a 6:5 ratio (i.e. bet $5 get paid $6), so bet in increments of $5. Free Odds payouts on 5 and 9 are at a 3:2 ratio, so bet in increments of $2. Free Odds payouts on 4 and 10 are 2:1, so bet in whatever increments you like.

2. Place the 6 or 8 Bet to Win

Instead of waiting for the shooter to establish a point, pick your own numbers: 6 or 8. When you’re playing in multiples of $6.00 (or the currency of your choice), place the 6 or 8 place-to-win bet. The 1.52% house edge makes this bet a popular choice. The winning bets are paid at 7:6 odds, which means that you’ll be paid out $7 when you bet $6 and the number hits.

The 6 and 8 are the most frequently rolled numbers other than 7. Stay away from other place bets because the house edge is higher: 4% on 5 or 9 and 6.67% on 4 or 10.

3. Place the 6 or 8 Bet to Lose

This tip is the opposite of the previous tip. You’re betting on the shooter to lose, which might make you ‘unpopular’ at a table cheering on the shooter. But you’re not gambling for them; you’re playing the odds. Place a $5 bet on the table and announce “6 (or 8) to lose.” If the 7 shows (which is a very high frequency number) then you win $4.00 as the house edge is only 1.82%. Remember, there are 11 numbers that can be rolled with a pair of dice and some numbers are much easier to roll (come up more frequently) than others. Check out the list below of numbers and the ways to roll them:

2 – one way – 1-1

3 – two ways – 1-2, 2-1

4 – three ways – 1-3, 2-2, 3-1

5 – four ways – 1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1

6 – five ways – 1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1

7 – six ways – 1-6, 2-5, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, 6-1

8 – five ways – 2-6, 3-5, 4-4, 5-3, 6-2

9 – four ways – 3-6, 4-5, 5-4, 6-3

10 – three ways – 4-6, 5-5, 6-4

11 – two ways – 5-6, 6-5

2 – one way – 6-6

4. Lay against the 4 or 10

This tip is similar to the place the 6 or 8 to lose but the payouts are much higher as, while there are six ways to roll a 7, there are only three ways to roll a 4 or a 10 as opposed to five ways to roll a 6 or 8. In this case you take the more “optimistic” approach and place $20 on the table and say “Lay against the 4 (or 10).” If you win, you get back $40!

You must pay the house a 5% commission to make lay bets, but they pay out at true odds. Also, you’re betting against the shooter, so try not to gloat if you win large amounts betting against them. And if you’re playing craps online, you’re not offending anyone.

5. Place the 5 or 9 to Lose

In this bet, you put down $8.00 (remember you have to bet in increments of $2 as the odds are 3:2, meaning for every $2 you bet you get $3 if you win) and bet that the numbers above will lose. Why? The house edge on this type of bet is low – only 2.5% so when the 7 shows (again, that happens often), you’ll win $5.00.

How To Win At Craps Strategy Without

In addition to these tips, always remember that craps is a negative expectation game, so the longer you play, the higher the chances you have of losing. But this is how casinos stay in business, and how the house edges make or break bettors who don’t make smart bets—or know when to walk away.

These are 5 of the most effective bets to make on craps to win. By reducing the house odds you are increasing your own chances of winning big when the table is hot. Try this for yourself at Slots of Vegas Craps Table today and walk away a winner!

Best Strategy To Win At Craps

See also: “Fall in love with the game of craps”

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